Titel:The real friendship
1. My friends were very harami, but they had to borrow money even if they had no money but they would cool down before saying anything to me.
2. There will be some friends who have been raining outside at two o'clock in the night. The group will say that the group will say that sweet sweets do not understand that problem is that I will find this group, so if you have nothing else to ask for family health and some friends in your life, you are rich in allred super duo succesful than the richest person on earth.
3. Another name is that life friend is another name, love and good happiness and sadness together can be given to friendship. You can know that the real friend can be misled with the real friend can be fought as if desired.
real friendship
4. If a third person enters in a friendship relationship, then that friendship never survives, never survives that any of your play partners have grown together with a friend if any third person enters that relationship together, then friendship is the end of a third. If you come together about relationships and friends, then life is not a common thing with your friend you have gone to college life together with the mischief that you have done what you want to do with your friends, your friends are your happiness mate and your friends are third in friendship. No longer can be found friends
5. Friendship He loves you that love you real friend army that makes you back to your back