Four of the world is the biggest religion

Title: Four of the world is the biggest religion.

Four religion pictur:

How many people in a religion and how powerful a religion have you ever wondered today we will talk about the more than that of the 700 million populations in the world.and i Will discuss the best four religions in the world.

so start:

1. Christian religion: 

Christian religion The largest of the world's religion is about 240 crores across the world, the Bible, which has two volume Old Testaments and New Testament followers of the religion, are called charges church Christianity in the first century AD. After his death, his followers followed this religion.

2. Islam religion :

Islam is the main book of this religion (Al-Quran) The 180 number of followers of Islam on earth is the fastest growing religion of the world, Islam, which is the Sunni opinion of almost all Muslim communities, and Shiites of Shiites 10 to 15 percent of the world's 50 percent of the world. Number is the largest and it is said that Islam is the religion of peace, Islam has a lot of peace.

3.Hindu religion: 

Whatever. the Hindu religion or the traditional religion, the third largest religion in the world is called the world's oldest religion, according to scholars in India and South Asia, the Hindu religion is the Hindu religion, the weather standard is the culture of India. Gita is the main book of the tradition of the tradition of 500 AD, which comes to the Middle Ages, which comes in the Middle Ages with the worship of people thousands of years ago by the practice of combination and diverse.

4.Buddhism religion: 

Buddhism is the fourth largest religion of the world in the Buddhist religion, Buddhism, the number of people of this religion all over the world, about 51 crore or more than the great Siddhartha, and the Buddhist monastery of the Buddhism, the Buddhist monastery of Buddhism, is the main Buddhist monastery. Tripitaka.

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